Here is some stuff I did in September 2022…

Linecheck upcoming

Italy is the lead country partner of next year’s Great Escape, so obviously I need to pop over there and check out what’s going down – that’s justified right? Good news is, the brilliant Linecheck is coming up in Milan in November, so that’s the perfect opportunity. I’ll be doing some on-stage stuff within the Linecheck conference too. Info here.

CMU+TGE 2023 strands

What’s that? We’ve announced the themes for the CMU+TGE Sessions at next year’s Great Escape already? Yep, that we have! This time we’ll be putting the spotlight on music and education, music and deals, and music and the creator economy. Get the lowdown on what each of those full-day conference strands will cover in this CMU news story here.

Napster again?!

So, alas, I’m old enough that I was already writing about the music business the first time Napster was newsworthy. Is it about to become all kinds of newsworthy again? Hmm, we’ll see I guess. But, you know, there’s definitely some news. On the upside, I’m not old enough to have been writing about the music business when the Music Managers Forum was formed back in 1992. So I’m now heading over to the MMF’s 30th anniversary celebrations in order to remember how youthful I am!

Back in 2010…

I’m not at the Reeperbahn Festival this year, but seeing people heading there is reminding me of the 2010 edition where I first saw Chilly Gonzales play live, and my Spotify stats were changed forever! Well, it was probably stats back then. It all began with a screening of his slightly bizarre but – in my opinion – magnificent film ‘Ivory Tower’. Maybe I’ll watch it again this evening. Just need to figure out if I still own anything that will play this DVD.

Holmes Chapel insight

Writing some CMU Daily news stories requires knowledge about music copyright and music licensing. Or maybe copyright infringement, and the ins and outs of song theft or music piracy or the safe harbour. Sometimes knowledge about how record deals work and streaming services are licensed and the latest digital music trends can be useful. And last week I needed to know the basics about how the Ethereum blockchain works. But today how to access the Holmes Chapel viaduct without walking down the A535 constituted expert insight!

Vill Vill Vest montage

Here’s a little montage of pictures from our CMU sessions at Vill Vill Vest earlier this month, with photos by Øystein Haara. I think it’s fair to say we successfully dissected the digital dollar debates, scrutinised the diversifying digital market, simplified making great marketing content on a budget, and put the world to rights when it comes to platform responsibility and cancel culture. Thanks once again to our brilliant panellists and everyone who joined us in Bergen.

Queue map

Turns out if you don’t own a TV, don’t watch live TV and don’t check the home pages of UK news media very often, it’s actually quite easy to be oblivious of the nation mourning. Does that mean I fail at being British? Though I have become slightly obsessed by the good old queue map. At one point it had queue distance and estimated queue time, but they never seemed to be in sync – so shorter queues had longer wait times. I’ll leave that mystery to the scientists. I’m busy currently trying to think if there is anything – like ANYTHING – for which I’d queue for fourteen hours. So far, no. I really hate queuing. Does that mean I fail at being British?

Latest TW Backstage

So you’ve done Edinburgh, what next? In the latest edition of our new TW Backstage podcast, we provide a five-point plan for any performers and producers who were using the Edinburgh Fringe to grow their creative businesses and progress their creative careers. What should you be doing this month to maintain the momentum? Tune in here.

Queen Elizabeth RIP

When I used to do my corporate communications seminars with the Taylor Bennett Foundation back in the day one thing we usually discussed was how the British media would respond to the Queen’s death. Which is why on Thursday evening I became a one-man media monitor and can report that all BBC radio stations switched to a single news broadcast, as did all Global-owned stations, while each Bauer-owned station did something different. Valuable information I think we can all agree – I definitely wasn’t wasting my time as the nation mourned!

Snow globe matters

Today’s crucial question: do I put this nifty snow globe I bought in Venice in the clear bag with the other liquids as I’m going through security at Copenhagen Airport? Alas, no official snow globe based guidance at all on the signage in the airport itself. I went with putting it loose in the tray and am pleased to report no security incident occurred. Which means me and the snow globe are now awaiting a flight back to London.

By royal command…

Today Fredensborg Palace, home of the Danish Royal Family! All my chatter about digital licensing and the ever evolving streaming market actually happened in a very fine hotel next door to the Palace, but I’m sure the Queen would have popped by if she’d known how good the diagrams were. Many thanks to MPA Denmark for hosting me, it was great to meet so many people from the Danish music industry.

The cross-Venice dash

Yesterday I did the cross-Venice dash by night. This afternoon I did it by day. I’d definitely recommend the former – ie Venice at 1am. I reckon Venice is 2.7 times more magnificent when you remove all the people! Well, not all the people. Not the brilliant people I met today who all run and work for really interesting independent VOD platforms across Europe. Venice is definitely better with them in it. Now onto Copenhagen for, you guessed it, more copyright chatter!

That’s only Venice!

Different water this morning. Well, I guess technically the same water – I mean it’s all one ocean really. I’m at Venice Production Bridge. That’s Venice over there. There’s actually no bridge to it from the island where I’m staying, but I eventually figured out how the water buses work after arriving at midnight last night, so I didn’t have to swim out here in the end.

Fjord funtimes

The grand finale of my Vill Vill Vest 2022 adventure in Bergen was a nice boat trip up a very sunny fjord. With all that water, it was good prep for my next stop I reckon – now in transit to Venice for more copyright chatter!

Thank you Bergen!

Great day at Vill Vill Vest in Bergen – thanks to everyone who checked out our CMU sessions. And thanks to my wonderful panellists of course! Here are my second set of guests just off stage after sharing lots of brilliant tips about making and pushing out great video content on a budget. Including: Find and respect your creative collaborators; know what platforms work for you; identify interesting and fun creative concepts; get a good iPhone!